Registered in 3022, Wellington's Warhounds are the remnants of the Second Company, a local militia unit raised to defend the planet Claybrooke on the southern borders of the Free Worlds League. Arcturus Wellington, the company commander, developed a reputation for chasing down overextended foes, leading his "war hounds" for nearly twenty years. Guarding the spaceport when the first agents of SAFE arrived, the Second Company quietly stowed abord the DropShip Cascade as Colonel Wellington was summoned to appear before the Governor-General. Wellington arrived to his first meeting with the dictatorial new ministers at the head of his lance, and fought through with Hogan, Frederickson, and Sharpe to clear the Spaceport so that the Second Company could make it off world. During this battle, Wellington, Hogan, and Frederickson received gruesome wounds, and the Mechs they were piloting were no better off.
The JumpShip at the nadir point was heading to Banfora, where the remnants of the Second Company looked to regroup. Company surgeon Lennox was able to stabilize the wounds that the commanders received in combat, but had to amputate a handful of limbs amongst the men due to the lack of proper medical facilities and supplies. At Banfora, they found an emissary of the Empire of Zathras, looking for additional forces to support their invasion of nearby Aquagea. Realizing it was time to pass on the reins of command, Arcturus named Richard Sharpe Captain of the MechWarrior forces, and assumed leadership of the hastily assembled Mercenary Company. Signing a six-month contract, Wellington's Warhounds will support the war effort by engaging in Recon Patrols, defending supply depots, and training the forces from Zathrus.
Commanding Officer
Colonel Arcturus Wellington
Executive Officer
Company Captain Michael Hogan
Chief Mechanic
Captain William Frederickson
Chief Medic
Major David Lennox M.D.
Dropship Pilot
Captain Guy Calvert
Command Lance -- Chosen Men
Recon Lance -- Recon Rifles
Junior Officers -- Green Guts
Company Captain HQ
Company Captain Guard
Empire of Zathras - Invasion of Aquagea
Color Pallatte
Recon Lance (BV 2938)
Support Lance (BV 3990)
Pursuit Lance (BV 4651)
Battle Lance (BV 4011)
Striker Lance (BV 5171)
Command Lance (BV 5937)
Fire Support Lance (BV 4495)
Indirect Lance (BV 3886)
Screen Lance (BV 2066)